Cole's Newborn Portraits in the TTP home studio | Throwback Thursday
One year ago today I had the honor of photographing Lynelle's beautiful home birth. A week later Cole's parents brought him over to my home studio in El Cajon and we took his newborn portraits. He was an amazing baby for me! He slept perfectly and let me pose him in some of my favorite sleepy newborn poses. I couldn't resist his chunky rolls and adorable dimples. Happy first birthday, Cole!
It's no secret that newborns are my favorite subjects to capture! They grow so incredibly fast and change right before your eyes. My favorite time to photograph newborns is within the first 10 days of their birth. Every baby is different, but I find that after this time newborns start to spend more time awake and restless. That being said, everyday is a good day to photograph your baby! Don't hesitate to contact me, regardless if your baby is already well beyond newborn phase. Let's make a plan to document your family soon!