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4 Years of growth - My first newborn client becomes a big brother!

Four years ago I was really diving into learning how to use my DSLR. I was pouring over Pinterest every chance I could get, gaining inspiration and reading all the tutorials. I was constantly taking pictures of my kiddos and they were so over it! But, I wanted to know and do it all so I posted on Facebook asking if any of my friends would let me meet their babies when they were less than two weeks old. This is how Lyndell and I became more than just Facebook friends. We were introduced over the internet via a mutual friend and sure enough we had tons in common. Basically, we were both hippy boy moms!

Fastforward to the week after her precious Ethan was born. Lyndell and her family came over so that we could take come pictures of the newest addition. It was WAY harder than I could have ever imagined. I mean, newborns sleep all the time, right? We spend at least an hour, maybe two trying to get him to rest and relax so that I could take some sleepy photos of him. We managed to document his tiny self and away they went. I didn't have photoshop, so I don't think I even edited them. I just uploaded them to a flash drive. Even though it didn't go exactly as I had planned and I will filled with so much self doubt, I knew that I was going to love photographing newborns. And sure enough, four years later, newborns are my all time favorite clients.

Getting the perfect sleepy photo of a tiny new life is still so exciting for me. Maybe it's because I know how fast they grow. Or maybe it is the relief that after years of practice, I finally feel comfortable with my style and that confidence is refreshing. I can still see lots of ways to improve and strengthen my art, but I am proud of all of the progress I have made.

This time when Lyndell came over for Joshaua's newborn pictures she brought the whole crew to be photographed. Boy mom to boy mom, this group of guys makes me smile so big.

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