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10/52: Transportation - Tricycle Racer

You know by now that I have four boys at home, right? Wherever we go people ask what it's like living with all of them. I always answer with, "we just embrace the chaos!" What else can we do? It's always loud, messy, and crazy at our house so we choose to lean into it rater than fight it. We have fun, we play loud games, we chase each other around, and we find out what our boys like to do and we do it!

This day I knew that I wanted to take pictures of this little guy riding his bike around our yard. He thought it was hilarious to go as fast as he could around the corners. Always turning back to see if I was still watching him or not. The energy of a three year old is always hard to match, but it can be so much fun to try to keep up with them. I have so much fun with them while they are being active and silly! I also smile while thinking about how hard they are going to crash that night after all of the extra energy they spent! I call that a win-win! Lots of giggles and a good night sleep.

I think that this is what makes me a great family photographer. I can be fun, I can be energetic, but most importantly, I am not phased by kids being kids. I expect kids to run around, I expect them to be silly, and I expect to be silly in return (although, this is difficult for me to do with unfamiliar adults watching).

I think some of the best photos are the ones that vividly remind you of something that you had forgotten. Some day my kids won't wink at me with their whole face, they won't jump up and down uninhibited, they won't light up at the sight of bubbles. These are the things we as parents are likely to forget when they grow older and become teens and adults. I want to remember those things. I want to remember them for who they are in this moment, so that later in life I can look back and realize that he doesn't do that anymore and smile fondly remembering these special and wonderful times in our kids lives.

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