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7/52: The color red - Our ABC book

For years I have been dreaming about making my boys a special ABC book with pictures of their toys. I get these giant ideas in my head and then can't stop thinking about them. The follow through is difficult though. I think the problem is that everything has to be perfect in order to even start a project so I put it off, and put it off, waiting for the just right time to tackle it all at once. What I'm learning about myself though, is that if I keep putting things off, they tend to fall further and further down the priorities list! So, I'm working on just jumping in. Trying to not overwhelm myself with details and just go for it. That part has been easy, but the pushing myself through to finish the project is still hard. I notice that my momentum takes a dive quickly and it's work to keep myself rolling forward.

This is a good example of that. I was so excited over spring break to start this project with my boys. But other moms know how it is, right? I had this idea of how much fun it would be to all work on it together and the reality is that it was chaos. And way more chaos than normal. We were all huddled in my studio setting everything up. One kid wants to use these toys and the other kid wants to use those toys. This kid just wants to play with these things and make a mess while I'm distracted otherwise. Chaos. So, we made it through these three letters in the alphabet before we called it quits. Then the mess just sat setup in my studio for weeks until I needed the room clean for a visitor. I'm still insistent on finishing this before the end of the school year though. I think it would be an awesome thank you gift or my kindergartner's teacher at the end of the year!

What do you think? Do you think this is worth the chaos of pushing through the other 23 letters of the alphabet?

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